Mary Cummins aka Mary Cobb, who pretends to be an animal advocate, is a well known cyber stalker who has posted vicious lies about people. Amanda Lollar of Bat World Sanctuary won a 6 million dollar lawsuit against Cummins. With Cummins lies, she has tried to defame dozens of Animal Rescue Groups along with several celebrities, such as Jennifer Aniston. So, anyone attempting to use Mary Cummins vicious lies against us, is just supporting her criminal activity.
The cyber-stalker’s next victim in 2013 was the founder and chairman of “Wildhorse Ranch Rescue,” a non-profit organization whose mission is “to save animals from abuse, neglect, slaughter and premature death and provide a safe place for them to live the remainder of their lives.” A few days before Christmas Mary Cummins debuted a fierce attack campaign against the founder and her organization, spewing her usual venomous lies (they “promote animal cruelty,” “defame me,” commit “tax evasion,” etc.) Here is the link for more information on this horrible person - http://www.randyturner.com/randys-cyber-stalker#twelve